We are quick to say, always, that we have the best weather in the world in Santa Fe. And we’re right.
The weather here is perfect. Cool mornings, warm days with lots of sunshine. Even in the winter, a snowstorm seldom debilitates the city. By noon, the New Mexico sun has melted whatever fell in the night.
But Fall. Fall is the time when Santa Fe puts on her prettiest colors and graces us with her very best weather. Crisp clear mornings, 72 degree afternoons, cool nights.
And the colors. Aspens turning, woodvine glowing red along a fence, the tree across the street from our house lit up with glowing with bright red and gold. Everywhere you turn, there’s another breathtaking view of what we love best about Santa Fe.
This will be the week of fall photos. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy taking them.
Happy October! Wish you were here.
Bunny Terry 505.504.1101
20 Vereda Serena Santa Fe, NM 87508