The infamous New Mexico Chile is seen almost everywhere in
Santa Fe and beyond.
From burgers to artwork, you will see it’s colorful mark.
Here are 10 interesting facts about the New Mexican Chile to impress your friends…
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1. New Mexico has an official state question: “Red or Green?” to signify whether someone prefers red or green chile on their food.
2. The green chile burger originated in New Mexico.
3. Over 4,000 jobs are provided by New Mexico’s chile industry.
4. New Mexico’s state vegetables are the chile pepper & Pinto bean.
5. New Mexico has a chile trail – perfect for the weekend exploration.
6. The green chile is the red chile and the red chile is the green chile. When the chile is fresh it is green…it is only after it is allowed to dry in the sun that it turns red.
7. The green chile is rich in vitamin C. In fact, one medium sized green chile packs as much C as 6 oranges!
8. Hatch, NM is the chile capitol of the world.
9. Teas and lozenges are made with chiles for the treatment of a soar throat.
10. Wild chiles are spread by birds because birds do not have the receptors in their mouths to feel the heat.
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Here is a delicious recipe for you to try this wonderful NM staple at home. Courtesy of Young Guns Produce, in Hatch, NM. Enjoy!
For 8 people ()
Bunny Terry 505.504.1101
20 Vereda Serena Santa Fe, NM 87508